Saturday, February 11, 2012


Proverbs 17: 27 A truly wise person uses few words; a person with understanding is even-tempered. 28 Even fools are thought wise when they keep silent; with their mouths shut, they seem intelligent.

my job is to be the truth teller... yet the bible is saying that a truly wise person uses few words... soooo that would say to me.. that even though the truth is to be told.. it doesn't have to be told very often.. I would say that is surely the truth.. especially since most of us don't want the truth anyways.. we really want to hear what we want to hear... someone recently told me that I didn't want to hear the truth.. I told her.. yes I do.. I cannot change anything without recognizing it first.. so I do want to hear the truth.. maybe the issue is.. we don't want the truth shoved down our throats.. maybe it is better for us to only say something when asked.. maybe that is the best way...

a person with understanding is even tempered.. I would say that a large percentage of the time I am even tempered.. I used to run on hot all the time.. now I can't be so bothered being upset all the time.. so I search out ways to not allow myself to get upset.. the problem with that is.. for me to not get upset means I have to not care.. and that is not what God wants from us.. He wants us to be emotionally invested in people... to be able to show love and understanding and compassion... but how can we do that without allowing our feelings to take over.. I don't have the answer to that one yet.. all I can do is shut down and shut out.. then I will not be hurt by things people do or say.. but again I admit that I don't believe this is God's will...

maybe silence really is the smartest thing...

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