Tuesday, January 3, 2012

trusting God to protect you...

Deuteronomy 23: 14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.

daily I seem to keep learning a lesson in trusting in God... I keep thinking that I am to protect myself from being hurt.. I am to avoid situations where I may get used or abused.. but this is not what I am hearing from God... what I am hearing is nothing I have ever heard in church before...

I am learning.. God is my protector.. my shield and my fortress.. He is the one that will not allow the enemy to overtake me... I am to open myself up to people.. to show them through my own love who Christ really is.. and not be so concerned about protecting myself.. God will be my protector...

and I am to remain holy so that He will not turn away from me... although I know that holiness is not popular...yet it is the will of God.. the way of righteousness...

I believe this is how Jesus lived His life too... He did not come against anyone at all.. He allowed people to use and abuse Him.. trusting that in the end.. God will get all the glory for His life...

trusting in God is possibly the hardest thing I have ever done.. along with loving others... believing that God will be the one who protects my heart...

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