Monday, January 9, 2012

why do we follow Christ?

one morning in a devotional from Charles Stanley.. he asks the question.. why do you follow God? is it for what you can receive or what you can give... and that really struck me... what is it that really keeps us following God?

we have to admit.. that while we realize that we will have work to do for God.. much of our following is about what He does for us... we don't like to say that.. it is ugly to admit.. but it is the truth... we don't want to be a sacrifice on God's altar.. we don't want to be a martyr... we want Him to protect us.. to love us.. to take care of us.. to prosper us... but what are we really thinking that we are doing for Him?...

even in a vision or a plan for our future.. are we really thinking about all it will cost us.. or are we thinking about what we will gain... as much as I wish I could say I am thinking of what great things I can do for God.. that is a lie.. that may be a result.. but I also want what I imagine will be good.. be pleasing.. make me happy... so our real thoughts are on what we receive far more than what we are to give... and.. when we do think about how much it will cost us.. that tends to make us feel sorry for ourselves.. to make us think oh woe is me.. do we really think Jesus walked around feeling sorry for himself daily like we do.. and yet he knew all along that he would be dying so that we might live..

I am thinking I really need to rethink or renew my mind.. because I have often been told by God that none of this is about me.. it is all for Him.. and if we are focused on what we receive from something.. then how is it God getting the glory for it?

I had often wondered how God would be receiving the glory for my life... it appears now that maybe it is because I am so cease living for self.. and begin living for kingdom completely... thereby being a true living sacrifice... and all the glory going to God...

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