Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Mark 4: 22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light.

idk about you.. but I don't really want all my secrets brought out to the light.. at least not the bad ones... the good ones can come out any time... what is it that makes us do things and then think no one will ever find out? it has been my experience.. that every thing we do thinking no one will ever know.. eventually comes out... so why do we do things that we want no one to know about? why do we do things that we are ashamed of before man... obviously God knew about it to begin with.. so what makes us think no one will find out... bigger than the finding out.. what makes us do it at all....

even as far back as adam and eve.. they somehow imagined that God would not know that they listened to the enemy.. that they sinned... that somehow they would get away with it...

I think all of this goes back to satan's battle for our mind... he lets us imagine that we can get away with no one finding out that we did something we shouldn't have... then other people end up getting hurt from our actions... we are silly... truly we need to stop doing the things that we would be ashamed of someone knowing about... because surely... everything done in the dark will come to the light... every secret will be told.. and we will have to suffer the consequences of it.. along with anyone else that is important to us...

live righteously.. in the dark and in the light.. as best we can...

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