Thursday, March 17, 2011

through the night... I was awakened.. and had no idea why... but slowly... a thought comes over me...

we all claim we have faith... then we pray prayers that sound like we are begging God to do our will... ??? ummm.... I don't hear any such prayer in the bible... now I realize... we get tired... and we tell God we're tired.. but that is different than begging Him to move... first of all.. if He isn't moving... someone is not ready... secondly... when the men of God in the bible prayed prayers.. they commanded the earth to line up with the heavens... and it did... now THAT is faith...

I know that I have been given the gift of healing... but in order to use this gift.. I have to have faith to believe what I am saying... so if I do not... then it is useless... I imagine all gifts are like that.. we can have them.. but if we don't have the faith to ignite them.. then what are they useful for?

I am thinking... when we pray.. we need to be calling out what God has said to us.. with scripture... thanking Him in advance for bringing it to pass... instead of sounding all goofy and begging Him to please do what He has already said He would anyways... we need to be thanking Him for doing it.. proclaiming that it is done! He said it... now believe it!! I am thinking that when we are not praying boldly and believing that it will change.. RIGHT NOW... then we are praying without power... power comes from the Spirit... surely we are praying from the Spirit... if we are not.. then we should be...

so.. I am thinking... I am ready to shift the sands of this earth... and cause it to line up with the heavens... not because of me.. but in the name of Jesus... in the power of the Spirit... calling promises out in faith... knowing that God hears my prayer.. and believing for the reality of the promise... RIGHT NOW!! amen.amen.amen.

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