Tuesday, March 15, 2011

how to make a man love you?

all we as people seem to think about is how to make someone love you and stay with you forever and never leave you alone again... how is it done?

it said is that you attract what you dress for... well that is a partial truth.. you do attract what a particular man is looking for or looking at... but.. you cannot judge a book by the cover.. this would mean that every man who does not go to church is not a good man.. and that is not true.. he may not be what a woman of God should attach herself to... in that I am in agreement.. the bible says be ye equally yoked.. but... that does not make him a bad partner.. I have been treated like I was the world by a man not living for God.. and I was very happy... and I dressed very provocatively in the past...

another shade to that... I dressed provocatively.. never paid for a drink... and I never took a man home... so.. in the same respect.. you are not always what you dress like...

if you ignore a man.. you get far more attention than you would if you are up his butt... I could go without ever talking to someone and they would be all over the place.. wherever they could possibly run into you.. so you really don't have to go where they go.. trust and believe that they will find you... you do not have to call them.. they will call you...

usually.. if you give the impression that you are done... they will come running... and.. we give up sex far too easily... a man can get sex anywhere... yes.. I know you have special skills.. I have them too... I have even been told I was the best... but what I say to you is this.. you are worth more than pleasuring a man.. even when it pleasures you... you are giving more of yourself than you realize and in the end.. it is you that pays for it.. he forgets all about it...

here is the thing though... while I had more game than most men... none of these things apply when you are walking in God's world.. these things only work in the street world... which is satan's domain...

in God's plan.. it is different... much different.. everything you knew that would work does not work over here... so there is no point in making a fool or yourself and trying to use the street rules on a man in God's kingdom.. they don't work... you have to just wait on God... and in HIS time.. God will turn the heart and the eyes of the man He has planned for you... and it will then last a lifetime... the street rules work in the street.. don't get me wrong.. but a street relationship rarely lasts a lifetime.. only a God ordained covenant will last forever...

let the street go... read the word of God.. about the women of God and learn how they submitted themselves first to God and then to their head.. that is where forever relationships come from...

please read the word for yourself.. a woman was created to be a helpmeet for a man.. I promise you.. it is in Genesis.. and since the fall she has been trying to be his head ever since.. and that is sin... there is NOTHING in the bible that made a woman a head... anywhere... learn your TRUE role.. the one GOD created you for.. and while it is not easy.. that is where you will find true peace and find a love of a lifetime...

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