Monday, March 14, 2011

I struggle with the call of women preachers... or the presentation of them is a better way to say it maybe...

I can find nowhere in the bible that there was some transforming change and women became a head somewhere.. yet other women see it all through the bible... I guess I would question which one of us is wrong.. me or them?

MY BIBLE.. the one written by the Creator.. tells me that a woman was created to be a helpmeet of a man... that was her original purpose.. yet somehow.. since feminism has developed... we no longer need a man.. all we need is one another... and as God draws me away from close relationships with other women as they tend to lead to gossip and other issues.. women seem to feel they are necessary... I cannot determine if I am being mislead.. or if these other women are...

I know women in positions of power.. both in the workforce and in the church... and some women carry a position yet remain in a state of submission... yet others.. use that position to seemingly tell women how they don't need men... yet this is not in the bible that I can find... and in my personal life.. God is calling me to a great level of submission to a man.. where I only have a voice when asked for it... so am I the only one being led to this? or am I the one that is in obedience to God?

I am learning that women are of great value to one another.. to minister to one another.. and to teach children.. men, as they have a different role.. are valuable teachers but they are different than a woman.. and I think the role of a woman is important in the life of a child as a teacher.. I think that a man cannot understand a woman's struggle as another woman does...

I also see that a woman can talk to a man about things they won't talk with to another man... but this is usually done in a one on one setting.. or in your own home with your own man...

the view of the woman is so different than that of a man.. how could she imagine to teach on his level of thinking? I have a son.. and I could not teach him to be a man... and he NEEDED a man to do this..

I think this whole feminist movement has set us back farther than some women will ever know because we now have to re-learn everything we are taught from childhood in order to be in agreement with God's will... and it is more difficult than I would have imagined...

I am thankful God is my Father and my Teacher and I am able to learn directly from His Spirit and His Word... thank you Lord for teaching me your ways... as they are not my ways...

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