when did the church become a democracy? I am thinking that was a most important mistake...
if we read the bible... from the beginning to the end... the bible has not set up the church as a democracy... the order is supposed to be: God, then the judge, or prophet, or priest, or pastor.. whatever you choose to call him... then the leadership... deacons.. trustees... whatever you want to call them... and nowhere do the people get a vote...
I keep getting the feeling that the building of the church is going to be brought down... but I can't tell if it is symbolic or physical... and I think that when it is rebuilt.. we need to rebuild it by the order that GOD put in place.. not what man put in place...
what do you care what is done with the money? my bible says that the first 10% is God's to begin with.. it never was yours.. so who are you to say how it is used? there are trustees involved... there are audits done... people are not taking your money home... get over yourself!!
throughout the bible people are struck down for speaking out against those leaders of the church that God put in place... for goodness sakes the ground opened up and swallowed some of them... there is scripture where the priest stood between the people and death because of their rebellious attitude... God did not call you to the position of head.. so why on earth do you think that you can run something better than the one He called??
here is a scripture for you....
Acts 7: 51 “You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? That’s what your ancestors did, and so do you! 52 Name one prophet your ancestors didn’t persecute! They even killed the ones who predicted the coming of the Righteous One—the Messiah whom you betrayed and murdered. 53 You deliberately disobeyed God’s law, even though you received it from the hands of angels.”
let us go back to the monarchy rule in the church... let the priest be the one that makes the final decisions... and then he will be the one to answer to the God he serves.. as it is.. we are bringing damnation upon ourselves because we are rebelling against God given spiritual authority..
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