Wednesday, May 13, 2009

oh no... I think I'm in love with a dog...

I believe that cats are like women.. they only want bothered when they want bothered.. they are moody and want to be left alone much of the time... I believe dogs are like men... they are always trying to lick on you and jump on you and all grinning in your face... I have never really liked dogs...

I have 3 cats that are about 20 lbs each... fat and pretty... they don't bother you... they roll their eyes at you... they go outside for the most part.. except to sleep... they are silly sometimes... not often enough to get on your nerves though... yesterday they brought a chameleon in the house just to torture it to death... they have done this with squirrels and birds... anything that moves... I have had to get up in the middle of the night to catch a squirrel and let it back outside... same with birds... (I don't really approve of the whole killing of other animals thing... I usually try to save them)

then... a woman at work brings in this tiny dog... that jumps and is the silliest and sweetest creature I have ever seen... I think I could be in love with this dog... how in the world did this happen to me....

1 comment:

TruthSpoken said...

Maybe this happened like everything else in our planned lives. God tends to find productive ways of showing us who is in charge.We plan everything to the T, from the kind of man we like, to what I'm going to do when the kids leave the house. All for God to show up and laugh at how much control of our lives we thought we had, by sending us the light-skinned brutha when he knew that thug was in our blood, and allowing us to count down days for the DIVA to graduate only to realize she's staying here another whereas I was counting down, God has added 300+ more days on to the 90 I thought I had left. Yeah! God is good! He gives us what He wants us to have, and its always just when we think we can control things ourselves that He says"I know you didn't think you were in control!", I guess to our Father we are never