Tuesday, May 19, 2009

big enough

do you know why you were created? and if you do, do you think you are big enough for it? I have been saying for the past 2 years that I am not big enough for the crazy thing God has put in my spirit. I am too dysfunctional. I am too small. I am not holy enough. I do not have enough faith.

God sends me to 1Samuel 9:21. Saul answered, but am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of Benjamin? why do you say such a thing to me?

the study bible states that Saul's origins were among the humblest in all Israel. Benjamin was the youngest of all Jacob's sons, and the tribe had been greatly reduced in the time of the judges. his elevation to king shows that God "exalts" whomever He will. God uses the powerless to promote His kingdom on earth is a common feature in biblical testimony and underscores that God's kingdom is not of this world. verse 16 is where Samuel is told to anoint Saul. priests were anointed, but from this point on it is the king who is referred to as "the Lord's anointed". anointing signifies separation to the Lord for a particular task and divine equipping for the task.

so the next time that you feel that God's plan is too big for you... remember that God chooses the ones who are nothing in this world and exalts them in His world. God is equipping you for the task He has called you to. God's hand is upon you. you are separated unto the Lord. you will not be like everyone else. you will not always be liked. not everyone can handle your dreams and visions. God's will is going to come to pass whether people approve of it or not... God chose you special and specifically... KNOW that you ARE big enough... and you have been anointed with the blood of Jesus Christ by his sacrifice of his life...

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