Psalms 55:12 It is not an enemy who taunts me—I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me—I could have hidden from them. 13 Instead, it is you—my equal,my companion and close friend. 14 What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.
it seems that many people get hurt by the people of God and then they affect their own relationship with God due to the things others have done to them... the first thing that we need to recognize that the church is really just a gathering place for sick people... which means that you might run into some illness in others... I will be the first to admit that while I am doing the best I can to be the best I can... some days... such as yesterday... I still get disciplined from God because I am not being a good steward of my spiritual gifts or.. as He said yesterday... I was trying to take His glory as though I am something by myself... and He hurt my feelings... I didn't want to hear that I was wrong... I didn't want to swallow my pride and confess my sin before God and man...
I have been saved since I was about 5 years old... as I went through my teenage years... I did not at all act as though I was saved... through some of my adult years I did not act like I was saved... this didn't mean I was not still in relationship with God... I was... I was still reading my bible and I was still attending church and praying... but my actions did not show this... my actions looked like any other sinner out there... sometimes we forget that everyone is on a different level in God and they may not be holy and righteous... sometimes people will say they are called into the ministry and all they are trying to do is get attention for themselves... sometimes they do not even see this is what they are doing... if you had told me that I was doing this, I would have never believed you... it had to come to me straight from God himself... my ministry was blessed and growing... you would think that all was right... even today, from the fleshy side I can tell you excuses of why I acted like I did... but none of the excuses mean anything to God... so we might tell someone what they are doing is wrong, but they can't see it... maybe they don't even want to see it... and you could be right about them... but it doesn't change anything... they are not ready to do differently...
what does any of that have to do with your walk? I am absolutely certain that when I stand before God on the judgement day, He will not ask me what someone else did to me... instead He will ask me what I did to someone else... was I a positive role model? was I giving? was I encouraging? was I a servant... because in the end, that is what we are all called to do... to be a servant... I got caught up thinking I was serving man and I got mad about it... I never served man to begin with, all my service is to be done as unto God Himself... so I had to go back and confess my wrong so that things would be right between me and God... whether man ever looks at anything differently is irrelevant... it is between me and God... He is the one I answer to ultimately...
we are all sinners saved by grace... so the next time someone does you wrong, don't allow it to be a stumbling block to your walk... what if we were to die in the time between... before we go back and confess our hard heart? what someone does to me is really not between me and them, it is between them and God... what I do to someone else really is not done between me and them, it is between me and God... any money that we have spent with the right intention is treasure in heaven... and time we have spent with right intention is sowing a seed in heaven... any gifts that we have used with right intention are rewards in heaven... don't allow shortcomings on earth to become and issue with you reaping in heaven...
the bible tells us that the door into heaven is narrow... we spend far too much time on people and trying to receive and far too little time on doing right IN SPITE OF what others do to us... the bible also tells us that Jesus said even as ye have done so unto the least of these... ye have done so unto Me... so anything someone does to you... he has done to Jesus... and you can know that it is no longer your issue... we all need fellowship with the body of believers... screwed up as we all are... we are all just learning day by day to do the right thing... all trying to get slim enough to get through the narrow gate...
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