I have 3 cats... Jerry & Larry (they are twins and that is VERY unusual in cats) and Peter (who is part bobcat and just ran in my back door and never left) last night as I am sleeping... I lay on my side and am surrounded by pillows in front and back... and Larry crawls up on the pillow in front of me and lays down and is doing the whole pawing thing (very annoying, especially while you are asleep..) and is pawing/clawing at my arms and face... he is trying to get me to wake up and pet him... I am SO not feeling it at 3am...
but the next thought that I had is... he has no fear of rejection... and that was amazing to me... I think I spend much of my time in fear of rejection... I don't say half of the things I am supposed to say or do half of the things I am supposed to do because of fear of rejection... I would rather pretend I am hard hearted and just act like I ain't thinking bout you... I ain't wanting to be near you... but most would die if they knew how far from the truth that really is...
how often do we reject our Lord? how often do we go our own way and settle for less than His best for us? seems as though I did that for years... that is surely what got me to this fearful place I imagine... afraid of people... Jesus was rejected also... by everyone.. many continue to reject Him yet today... how many times has God tried to wake us up to talk or to pray or to spend time alone with Him and we tell Him we are too tired... can you imagine the gall of us? actually telling God... creator of all... that we are too tired to spend time with Him... yet we all have done it... I pray that God will change me... that He will grow me to the place where I never allow anyone to feel that I have rejected them... that I am a safe place for anyone who is in need of love... in Jesus name I ask it... amen...
John 12:47 "If anyone hears what I am saying and doesn't take it seriously, I don't reject him. I didn't come to reject the world; I came to save the world. But you need to know that whoever puts me off, refusing to take in what I'm saying, is willfully choosing rejection. The Word, the Word-made-flesh that I have spoken and that I am, that Word and no other is the last word. I'm not making any of this up on my own. The Father who sent me gave me orders, told me what to say and how to say it. And I know exactly what his command produces: real and eternal life. That's all I have to say. What the Father told me, I tell you."
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