Friday, July 17, 2009


2 corinthians 6:14 Don't become partners with those who reject God. How can you make a partnership out of right and wrong? That's not partnership; that's war. Is light best friends with dark? Does Christ go strolling with the Devil? Do trust and mistrust hold hands? Who would think of setting up pagan idols in God's holy Temple? But that is exactly what we are, each of us a temple in whom God lives. God himself put it this way: "I'll live in them, move into them; I'll be their God and they'll be my people. So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good," says God. "Don't link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself. I'll be a Father to you; you'll be sons and daughters to me." The Word of the Master, God.

deciding what is judging someone and not judging them, but recognizing sin instead, is hard to do. I think I tend to be judgemental. I think I see things in black or white. either you are right, or you are wrong. according to the above scripture, the word of God agrees with me.
how often do we try to compromise the word of God or the idea of what is or is not sin.... God gave us 10 rules to live by... I imagine if we live those out to the fullest, we would not be in sin... yet none of us seems to have the ability to be sinless... if we are not sinning with our body, then we sin with our thoughts...
the only person's actions I can control are mine.... my desire is to be like Christ.... if I strive to be sinless, to the best of my known ability... I am believing God will carry me the rest of the way... I think that my walk is important because someone who does not know God will look at me and think if I say I am a Christian, then I should look like one... you know that whole... if it looks like a duck, it is a duck... so if I look like the world... maybe people see me as the world... but if I look like Christ.. people will see Christ through me... I choose not to compromise...

change me o God. show me my weaknesses. show me all things within me that are displeasing unto You. my desire is to be pleasing to You, no one else. I love you Father. I lift Your holy Name. I praise You with all that is within me. amen.

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