Wednesday, June 3, 2009

who is your authority??

I don't know about you, but I really don't like authority much... here is some harsh reality... not speaking too good of myself... I was raised in a (I am struggling with a word here... I want to say white, but I don't want to sound racist as I am cross racist if anything...) how about liberal house... where my parents tended to let me do what I wanted and say what I thought and act any type of way... in all my life I have never had a spanking... (whew... that was rough to admit....) I told my mother I hated her... and she was an old hag... man, if one of mine did that to me, they would be lacking front teeth... so I had no respect for authority, because none was taught to me... I learned to say what I want in a manner that people really weren't sure if I was telling them off or not...

but I think that all of us has an authority figure in life... no one is allowed to just run willy-nilly... at least not if God is head of your life... he will give you authority and you probably won't like it... at least I don't... so my question to God this week is... what if you don't agree with what the authority figure says.... what if I don't want to listen cause that person is wrong... you know what God says?? how about He tells me it is not for me to judge someone in authority... He tells me that if He put the person over me, all I have to do is follow.. it is not for me to question them... if they are wrong, they will answer to Him, not to me... and I am supposed to do the right thing regardless... ??? come on now Jesus... that is pretty rough to swallow sometimes... but as God is the ultimate authority, I guess my responsibility is to follow the "chain of command" that He has placed over me... uuuggghhh... somedays the world is much easier than the kingdom...


Anonymous said...

Colossians 3:22,23 Says it all... 22 Servants, obey in ALL things your masters according to the flesh; not with eye service, as men pleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
23And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the LORD, and NOT unto men;
No matter how much we want to act on our own we have to let God direct how we respod in situations that are not pleasing to us. The key part of the phrase is "do it heartily" not with malice or out of frustration... ;-)

susanf1 said...

hmmmm... I am failing miserably... change my heart o God... change my emotions or at least give me the sense to control my emotions and my mouth... in Jesus name... amen...