Friday, June 5, 2009

I can't change anyone...

sometimes I tend to be a little overbearing... I usually think... I am right, so that makes you wrong... and while I really do tend to be right much of the time... I imagine everyone else thinks they are too... I think sometimes I need to acknowledge that I can't change you... if I could change you, then you wouldn't be you, you would be someone else... so if I say I accept you as you are, why do I want you to do everything my way??

I am thinking... there is a reason that not everyone is given the same gifts and abilities... if we all were the same, what use would that be? there would be no variety... so what happens if you never see things my way? does that make you wrong? I would really like to say yes, that makes you wrong and me right... but I guess maybe it just means you see it different than me... and just like there is usually more than one road to get to the same place... maybe you are just taking a different road... not necessarily the wrong one...

although it would be helpful for overbearing people like me if you could at least acknowledge that you hear what we are saying... instead of intentionally upsetting our apple cart and going in a different direction cause we just can't be right this much of the time.... either way... I guess I will see you at the destination... because the will of God is still the will of God regardless of which road you take to get there... (mine really is better though...)

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