Thursday, February 27, 2014

normally I do a post on the scripture for this made to crave bible study.. but I have to say.. there was a revelation for me this week in chapter 17 (Made to Crave by Lysa Terkheurst) 

she is talking about holiness.. now I have to tell you.. I am thinking I am about as pure as the driven snow before reading this!!! I haven't had sex since 2006 (felt like enlarging that to enormous).. I don't drink.. I have gotten almost all of the things that I felt were sinful under 'control' (word used loosely as we ALL fall on a regular...) 

she makes the statement that anything at all... no matter what it is.. that is not beneficial to our purpose in God... makes us unholy... or it detracts from our holiness.. whatever way you want to say it... 

so if I think about the choices.. whatever they are.. food.. finances.. friends.. whatever... if it is not benefiting the purpose God has for me.. this would include health choices because you have to be alive and healthy to be used for His glory... then I need to opt out of it... whatever it is... 

I keep imagining I want a man in my life... now I am not exactly sure what I want him for.. and not exactly sure how long I would continue to want him around... but I believe part of my purpose in God is linked with a man.. so I want one.. but if this is not the time.. then that would not go well... and then I would be out of the holiness thing again.. so even these thoughts that I want someone outside of God's time are not beneficial to me.. and they make me feel some type of way sometimes.. and that is exactly when I need to lay before the Lord and get some of His strength... 

I just don't even have words as to how big and bright this revelation was.. this is pertaining to the sugar I need to give up... the going to the gym when I don't feel like it.. the keeping my mind stayed on positives rather than negatives... all of it... Jesus told me a few years ago to give up sugar and I thought I was imagining it.. thinking what does Jesus care if I eat sugar or not... and here it is.. the answer of why... all this time later.. it is about making right choices.. about being comforted with His love rather than something sweet.. about self control... about self value.. 


Rosemary said...

What a great blog, thank you so much for sharing today. I have to comment that as I am writing this I am really pondering over what you wrote. You are so right, it is all about making the right choices..being comforted with His love as well as the two biggest lessons I've learned through this study self-control and self-value. God's teachings hard a work here I believe..without these things, we can't be fully used for his glory.
really great blog. Rosemary Stevens OBS group leader

Trish said...

Girl, you were speaking my man language. haha I too thought I had to have a man in my life to make it complete. Had to come to the realization, that my life is complete in the Lord and the Lord only. Thankful He was patient in waiting for me to figure that out. Loved how totally real and honest your post is!! Thanks for sharing and blessing me with it today. Blessings to you friend!!

Trish (P31 OBS Blog Hop Team)


Thanks for posting! The choices we make are really important. We truly need to make choices that bring glory to God! He does not always answer the way we want or when we want, but He knows what is best! Blessings for you.

- God Bless,
Patti P (OBS group 40)