Thursday, February 6, 2014

Isaiah 45: And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness— secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord,  the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.

this has been one of my favorite verses since beginning my 'serious' journey with God in 2007... when I had 144days where I had been laid off from work and was broke financially and spiritually and emotionally... in those 144days, I began a new relationship with God.. where He was my Husband.. He cared for me a loved me and gave me a new purpose for living.. a purpose for His kingdom... 

a long period of time has gone by and what I believed God has spoken to me has not yet come to pass... but it won't let me go either... as I have been defeated.. I have turned to other things for comfort.. but not the same things as before... it switched from being a man and alcohol to shopping and sweets... during that 144days I needed nothing at all but God... 

so the true question is.. like any other relationship.. how do we stop our relationship with God from going stagnant? there are easy biblical answers... "seek Him" "spend time in His presence"... but lets be real.. we do those things and there are still times that God is distant... those are the dark places to me... 

but just like when it rains... it doesn't last forever.. stand fast.. trust Him.. and keep on keeping on... and one day soon.. the Son will shine within you again... 


Trish said...

Amen!!! Remain in the Vine and He will remain in you. If God seems far away, guess who moved?! I loved your sharing of our Isaiah verse and what it means for your life!! Thanks for being so vulnerable and sharing your heart. Blessings to you sister!!

Trish (OBS Blog Hop Team)

susanf1 said...

I don't really feel that I have grown away from God.. I believe that like Job, sometimes God tests our faithfulness to Him.. especially after truly 'seeing' Him.. I feel He wants us to love His Face and not so much His Hand.. so sometimes He is distant for a time.. and then He returns and restores us spiritually.. like Job's experience..