so you know I imagine that everyone thinks the same as me.. someone has been telling me lately that the way I think is extraordinary... I don't really think that.. I think everyone sees what I see and knows what I know... so anyways.. I have recently been realizing that there are actually alot of people who don't really think Jesus is the son of God.. I mean alot of people HERE.. in our own world... now that was amazing to me..
it seems that people can't seem to accept the virgin birth.. some can't accept the resurrection... but if you are denying either one of them.. then for you.. Jesus is not the Messiah... and you cannot be saved... at least not until you get it right...
they can accept Him as a great prophet... but not as the son of God born of a virgin and risen from the dead...
that absolutely floored me.. in my small mind.. I thought the only ones who had that imagination were the jews... and not even all of them.. I gotta tell you... I am stunned by this thought... that there are people here... people I know.. that don't really know or accept Christ...
do they realize.. that the bible tells us to pray in Jesus name... but if He is just a man.. why would we pray in His name?
Father... I pray that their eyes be opened... to the Truth of Your Son....
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