1 Corinthians 9: 22 When I am with those who are weak, I share their weakness, for I want to bring the weak to Christ. Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing everything I can to save some. 23 I do everything to spread the Good News and share in its blessings.
27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified.
Paul states that he tries to find common ground with everyone he comes in contact with in order to help lead them toward salvation.. we already know that our life we are living is our greatest witness for anyone who may come in contact with us... yet how often do we set ourselves apart from others as if we have nothing in common with them... as if we are now so righteous or clean that we cannot come down to their level.. forgetting where we have come from... I think we do this more often than we realize.. if we didn't... then so many more people would be impacted by our witness than what are now... we try to remain separate... while we are changed.. we are different than we used to be.. we cannot come across as if we forget where we are coming from....
I have a young wife working with my teen girls at church.. the reason I think this young woman is so awesome is because she was not a virgin when she married... she was not always living as she does now... yet she is willing to tell these teen girls about drinking and having sex.. and still tell them why her life now is so much more whole.. she is not afraid to remember who she was.. on the way to who she is becoming... she is able to teach them how to be a good wife because she wasn't always the woman that she is now... she will easily tell them that she really wishes she could go back and marry as a virgin having known no other man.. I think her testimony is so amazing for these young girls making these very decisions right now...
the flip side of the scripture states that Paul is also disciplined and trained.. almost like an athele so that his life now.. his witness now.. will not be deterrent for someone to be saved...
India and her little family took me out to eat yesterday... and we all know how much I love and miss jack daniels... well tgifridays has a drink called a 'jackberry splash" that is wonderful.... and I considered ordering one while we were there.... we were to be celebrating my birthday.. there is nothing biblically wrong with me having a drink.... BUT.. just as I am contemplating this... a young girl who works there.. comes over to me and says.. I have been trying to figure out why I know you... I just saw you in church this morning! and I smile and say yes.. that is me...
now while it would not be wrong for me to have a drink.. what if it had shaken her faith.. what if she is weak in her faith so she would have fallen because of me... I have to try and keep remembering that people are always watching me.. God had told me long ago that it would be almost as if I live in a glass house.. that my life is on display for everyone else to see... so be careful of my choices because they can affect others too... every now and again.. He has to remind me of this...
Lord help me to be accessible.. someone people can reach out to and feel comfortable with.. and at the same time.. help me to remain pure and to not be a stumbling block for someone less spiritually mature than me.. in Jesus name I ask.. amen.amen.amen....
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