1 Corinthians 10:14 So, my dear friends, flee from the worship of idols. 15 You are reasonable people. Decide for yourselves if what I am saying is true. 16 When we bless the cup at the Lord’s Table, aren’t we sharing in the blood of Christ? And when we break the bread, aren’t we sharing in the body of Christ? 17 And though we are many, we all eat from one loaf of bread, showing that we are one body. 18 Think about the people of Israel. Weren’t they united by eating the sacrifices at the altar?
I think we have far more idols than we would ever really realize... God had shown me through the word that fornication is idolatry.. whew was that a hard one to accept... as much as I may say that it is about a physical thing.. God feels I was putting physical love before my love for Him by not being willing to wait until the bonds of covenant... I have since determined not even to think sexual thoughts without covenant... as soon as the thoughts come.. I cast them out and focus on something else...
this was a little strange to me.. not that I don't see what he means, but I would not have thought about the communion making us united... or that the people of israel were united when they made the sacrifices at the altar... I think that unity is so important.. in a church, in a family.. all around.. unity is really a big deal.. yet we usually don't have unity... we are all usually in dissension of some sort.. even in our own homes.. could you imagine the power we would have through Christ if we were united... I was thinking about this even in my own wednesday night group of teachers and kids.. we are trying to promote unity and bonding between the kids and also the teachers... thinking that the more we are joined.. the more we will accomplish for the kingdom.. and isn't that really what our goal is...
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