Thursday, March 29, 2012

still prideful after all these years...

Proverbs 29: 23 Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor.

Jeremiah 13: 15 Listen and pay attention! Do not be arrogant, for the LORD has spoken.

I got to tell you... I thought I was so much better with this!! I no longer think I am God's favorite... I no longer think I am the center of the universe... I know longer think I am beautiful.. or sexy... I no longer think I am the best at anything at all...

I have learned that God loves me IN SPITE of all that is wrong with me... and for that I am thankful...

yet this morning.. God reminds me of my desire to be noticed.. how I try to stand out and never blend in... always drawing attention.. even if it is not positive.. I still desire to have all eyes on me... and I think.. ugh!! I so thought we were past this!!

I wish there were a formula for keeping pride at bay... I wish there were 3 easy steps to remaining in humility at all times... I do not seem to know them if they exist... so God tends to humiliate me over and over to remind me that I am nothing without Him... when I really never forgot it to begin with.. I am just not so good at looking like I know it...

is it the way I dress? the way I talk? the confidence that I have? what is it that makes me appear to think I am the world?... I have no idea... but I surely wish I were completely over pride...

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