Monday, March 26, 2012

vow of silence...

Psalms 91: 14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

That is my desire... to have the things that I say be encouraging and uplilfting and pleasing to God and man both... especially God... yet somehow... I continually fall in this area.. it almost seems like I cannot have any close friends because if I do.. I say things I shouldn't say... even if they are truth.. the truth is not to always be told I am learning.. sometimes I am being told.. most times actually.. rather than volunteer truth.. I should wait for someone to ask for it.. everyone knows I am going to give the truth.. or my idea of it.. so if they wanted to know it.. they would ask me.. no need to volunteer it..

Proverbs 10:19 Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.

I am somewhat considering a vow of silence.. now of course this will not be a true vow of silence because we have to interact with people in our house and people in the church and people on our jobs...

So what I am really thinking about.. is to just stay to myself... to not speak unless spoken to.. to be cautious constantly about the words I speak.. it is strange.. when I used to think of outward sins.. I would think of things people could see.. but I find.. my mouth is about the most outward sin I could have.. everyone I come in contact with in any given setting hears my words... if I speak only what is encouraging or uplifting or benefitting of someone... that would be pleasing to God.. but if I allow myself to get caught up in mess.. even if my only part is to give truth.. I still don't have any need to be in it without being asked...

I need God's help in this endeavor.. this is surely not a strength of mine... surely not..

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