Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Acts 21: 33 Then the commander arrested him and ordered him bound with two chains. He asked the crowd who he was and what he had done. 34 Some shouted one thing and some another. Since he couldn’t find out the truth in all the uproar and confusion, he ordered that Paul be taken to the fortress.

I am learning that one of the greatest tools of the enemy is confusion... I am learning that he uses noise to bring confusion...

have you ever noticed.. when you are somwhere alone.. just you and Jesus.. you can have peace... you know that He is in control.. you know that you can do all things through Him... you are calm and the world is rightside up... this is the truth for me anyways.. any time I get alone with God I am calm and peaceful...

but... when other people come into it.. they get you to thinking that maybe you are wrong... maybe you can't do what God says you can... I don't even mean necessarily people talking negative things to you... just something about too many people being in on the relationship and the purpose of you from God causes confusion... you don't even have to have talked to someone about what God has said to you.. yet somehow.. those people who are being used by the enemy will find you and give you reasons to be confused and doubtful.. they can be christians... yet they are being used by the enemy against you...

we have to.. absolutely have to have time alone with God.. to be filled with His words.. His presence.. His strength... we cannot continue to live in faith and in confusion at the same time.. we have to cast off situations and people who bring confusion to our spirit... it may mean that we really don't have anyone in our lives... it may just be me and God all the time.. and that is all right...

I am tired of being confused.. I am done with it... I am going to rest in God... and cast out confusion and anyone who carries it with them... in Jesus name... amen.amen.amen.

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