Sunday, April 1, 2012


Proverbs 24: 10 If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.

as I read this scripture.. I would say that we all fail under pressure sometimes... it is easy to say that pressure is what is used to make us and change us... yet it is also what breaks us...

last night at church.. the preacher said that a bone that is broken is stronger than one that has not been broken... that same thing holds true for all of us.. when we have been broken.. we have become stronger.. what we have gone through has made us less likely to fall in that same area... we will not handle things as dramatically the second or third time around... it may still be a struggle but we are already sure that we are coming out the other side...

I think many times we look at things wrong... we look at our weariness over our strength.. if we look back at all we lived through.. we can either look at it and think.. whew.. I cannot do this anymore.. I cannot last even one more day... or we can say... I have already overcome worse things than this... and know we will be victorious...

when you have done all you can.. you just stand...
God will strengthen you.. He will hold your hand as you are waiting for this storm to pass.. He will cover you and protect you in the midst of the rain and wind..

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