Saturday, December 24, 2011

John 13: 34 So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. 35 Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”

if you remember back to the things that made the holidays so special in your life when you were a little one.. it really is not the gifts.. it is the love and the family that came together on the holidays.. some of us didn't get many gifts.. some of us really didn't get any love... it is far more of a tragedy to not receive love than to not receive gifts.. yet for whatever the reason.. every year.. we allow ourselves to stress and try to get all these wonderful gifts.. thinking that will be what shows love to our children or loved ones..

idk about you.. but if I could spend my day with the person/people I love the most.. that would be the greatest gift I could ever receive... that is what is important to me for christmas... being with the ones I love...

yea.. the gifts are nice... wonderful even.. but the love far exceeds all of that...

and this is our call to the world.. daily we are to be the living love of God to a world that may not ever feel loved... that is our real purpose in life.. to love those who don't know love... and this will prove to the world that we are living for God.. and that He lives within us..

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