Monday, September 12, 2011

Psalms 15

1 Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? 2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. 3 Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends. 4 Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts. 5 Those who lend money without charging interest, and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent. Such people will stand firm forever.

my intention was to just look at a psalm of praise to God's greatness... but 15 was the number I heard... and this is what it said... so maybe the message.. while it still is and ALWAYS is a message of praise to the greatness of Jehovah... maybe it is about our actions too... how can we stand and talk about the righteousness of God and how much we love Him.. how thankful we are that He loves us... how much we love Him... and then we consistantly give in to the flesh and destroy our witness....

I am really talking about myself in this but I imagine we can all see ourselves in this... on Thursday... the pastor started talking about the 7 things God hates.. and one of them was to plot evil in your mind... I tell you the truth... I am SO GUILTY of this!! I don't act on it... I don't even dwell on the thought all that long... (okay.. maybe that is dependent on who it is against...) but I can tell you in DETAIL what I could do to someone.. or watch happening to them....
I remember one day that there was a weight loss thing at my church... it turned out to be a study done by a local hospital about the effects of weight loss and diabetes in black women... but that is not how it was presented... and as a good friend of mine is the head of the medical ministry... she wanted me to come... I come.. and the woman leading it from the hospital asked me am I at all african american (come on now..) and that I cannot participate because I am not... so I go to walk out and I am furious... she tries to follow me.. as sure as I am sitting here writing this.. I SEE myself smashing her head off the cement floor and I tell her to back up.. and she wants to rub my back and tell me that it isn't personal.. or whatever and I look at her obviously with death in my eyes and I tell her to back up off of me NOW.... and she does...

that right there... that is my sin... I saw that as clearly as I see someone standing before me... I have to learn to stop that before it takes hold in my heart...

funny.. we overcome and overcome and yet there is more sin dug down deep with roots attached....

this scripture states that people who regard sin in their hearts cannot enter the sanctuary... sheesh... lucky thing I didn't realize it was sin.. and that I am setting about ending it since I found out...

cover me Father... when I sin unknowingly...point out everything in me that is displeasing to You.. please continue to be patient with me and continue to change me... thank you Lord... I surely don't deserve your goodness toward me...

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