Friday, July 1, 2011

Galatians 1: 15-24

11 Dear brothers and sisters, I want you to understand that the gospel message I preach is not based on mere human reasoning. 12 I received my message from no human source, and no one taught me. Instead, I received it by direct revelation from Jesus Christ.

isn't it amazing.. how the enemy will put a seed in our mind that what we thought we heard never was God to begin with... that we thought it up on our own.. that great things just don't happen to normal people like us.... but rest assured.. you HAVE had divine revelation from Jesus Christ Himself... He really does reveal Himself and His will to you... Praise God for that!!
13 You know what I was like when I followed the Jewish religion—how I violently persecuted God’s church. I did my best to destroy it. 14 I was far ahead of my fellow Jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors.15 But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Then it pleased him 16 to reveal his Son to me so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles.

there is his purpose... how often have we heard our purpose and decided we can't do it... we aren't enough.. or even maybe that we just don't want to do it... it's too much to ask... yet Christ gave His life for us.. what could we give that would be too much??
When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being. 17 Nor did I go up to Jerusalem to consult with those who were apostles before I was. Instead, I went away into Arabia, and later I returned to the city of Damascus.

actually... in Acts it tells that Paul went to or was taken to the apostles.. who sent him back to his home town so that he could have his time of preparation alone with the Lord... we all need our time of preparation... although some times it seems WAY too long... I'm very sure the time of preparation is necessary.. God changes us... mellows us out in the time of preparation...
18 Then three years later I went to Jerusalem to get to know Peter, and I stayed with him for fifteen days. 19 The only other apostle I met at that time was James, the Lord’s brother. 20 I declare before God that what I am writing to you is not a lie.
21 After that visit I went north into the provinces of Syria and Cilicia. 22 And still the Christians in the churches in Judea didn’t know me personally. 23 All they knew was that people were saying, “The one who used to persecute us is now preaching the very faith he tried to destroy!” 24 And they praised God because of me.

imagine what people will feel after our transformation... the ones who knew who we used to be... selfish and calculating... mean and deceitful... and then the see the new me... who is compassionate... faithful... shows love... and encouraging... they will surely praise God at the amazing transformation He has created in each one of us...

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