Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Psalms 133: 1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron's beard, down upon the collar of his robes. 3 It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

I think I had a revelation this morning...
in the psalms above... it says how good and pleasant when brothers live together in unity.. it is like precious oil poured on the head... running down the beard... running down Aaron's beard.. we know that it is good when we live in unity/harmony... no fighting or disagreements... and we know that the oil mentioned really is the oil/Spirit of God... pouring down upon us... covering us... and HERE is where the Lord gives His blessing...

we all want the blessing of God.. and we all want harmony... if it is OUR version of harmony... we want things done our way... pleasing to OUR ears... this is not the way of God in either the house or in the church... in the house... if you are a woman.. a man is your head... and you have to submit to his way of things getting done... without dissention or arguing... without an attitude... in order to get the blessing of God... I had a man tell me once that I am blocking my blessings... (that particular man happens to be MY head... and that is not funny...)

I guess I struggle constantly with this... your head is not necessarily someone who is stepping up to what we like to think of as a head... you know what I mean... your husband may not lead the way you think he should... he may not choose to lead at all... that does not change the fact that he is the head in the eyes of God... or he may lead in ways that you don't like or don't want to go... it doesn't stop him from being the head...

there is a light in it though... he also has a head which is God and if he is not doing what God would have him do... then he will reap the repercussion of his actions...

so in order for us to have God's blessing... we have to give in to someone else's ideas of what is right.. and trust God to deal with the rest... which is SURELY a living sacrifice... we really do desire to have unity... just not at the cost that comes with it... but apparently we need to pay the price...

when we look at this from the church view... we may not agree with everything that leadership does... it is not for us to argue and gossip... causing dissention... God has placed that person over the ministry or over the church... and we need to allow that person to do what God has told them to do... in submission and prayer... even if they are wrong... that again is between them and God... trust and believe that the church is the BRIDE OF CHRIST... He will protect her... He will not allow man to destroy her... if you are not happy in your church and you refuse to submit... the least you can do is remain silent... or you can find another church... but I am sure that when you get to the new church.. you will still have to deal with the same issues that you had to deal with at the one you left... it will just be another head... when you don't correct the wrong within you... then the problem continues to follow you...

as for me... I am going to learn to submit to the head God has given me in the church and in the home... and I am going to learn to remain silent and in prayer when I disagree.... (for those of you who know my strong willed nature... please pray for me and don't mention the bruises you see on my knees from the hours of prayer...) I will submit through the strength of God... I will submit through the strength of God...

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