Friday, May 15, 2015

Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

I recently read something suggesting we take one verse per day and meditate on it throughout the day... 
when I look at this I think... 
truly beauty does not last!! LOL! as we get older we realize that our looks don't hold the same weight they did when we were younger... people look at who you are more as you grow older rather than what you look like.. when you were young you could be a complete donkey and be beautiful and some idiot would still want you.. as you age.. that is really not the case.. people then begin to look at who you are.. 

charm is deceptive.. that is truth.. all of us have been sucked in by people both male and female who are charming and manipulative and deep within they were not who they portrayed they were on the outside.. so time tells who a person really is.. not what they say or even what they do in the short term of things.. it is who someone is over a long period of time that tells who they really are deep inside... 

a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.. truly I fear the Lord.. I think people who don't recognize that God could destroy them with a thought are so disillusioned about life... but I don't fear Him thinking He will kill me off in an instant.. but I do recognize that He could.. I guess it is better called reverence of His power and majesty... I think that is the way we should be looking at anyone with power... yet many times we are so prideful... that we justify that they put their pants on every morning same way we do.. we don't give honor to people in position very often anymore.. we are not respectful.. we are prideful.. 
idk if I will be greatly praised over my Love/Fear of God.. I am not looking for that in any form... I do want to be recognized as a woman who puts God first in her life.. that is far more respect and honor than I deserve anyways... and I will be thankful for that.. 
I was driving down the road yday having the bible read to me and I think how awesome and amazing God is... I am so thankful to have been chosen by Him.. to be grafted into His family... 

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