1 Samuel 2: 22 Now Eli was very old, but he was aware of what his sons were doing to the people of Israel. He knew, for instance, that his sons were seducing the young women who assisted at the entrance of the Tabernacle. 23 Eli said to them, “I have been hearing reports from all the people about the wicked things you are doing. Why do you keep sinning? 24 You must stop, my sons! The reports I hear among the Lord’s people are not good. 25 If someone sins against another person, God can mediate for the guilty party. But if someone sins against theLord, who can intercede?” But Eli’s sons wouldn’t listen to their father, for theLord was already planning to put them to death.
26 Meanwhile, the boy Samuel grew taller and grew in favor with the Lord and with the people.
there are several things in this small piece of scripture that scream out to me...
1. eli was a weak father.. but we cannot control our children.. what I do think he should have done was send them out of the temple... he didn't and it cost his life too...
2. If someone sins against another person, God can mediate for the guilty party. But if someone sins against theLord, who can intercede?
I never really thought about sin as being either against a person or against God... makes you wonder.. how many times have I sinned directly against God.. and if I had not repented on my own.. I surely did not recognize that there was no one to intercede for me... on the positive side.. how great that in our sin the Lord is interceding on our behalf...
3. eli's sons didn't listen to their father because the Lord was already planning to kill them.. and He was raising samuel up in their place... when we are disobedient to God He is already planning an alternate.. we sometimes get so full of ourselves and think we are necessary.. meanwhile.. God always has someone else being prepared that could replace us if God is not our first love.. if we are living for self and not Him... but He is patient and I guess He will wait too.. otherwise I would be long since dead...
makes you wonder what makes God turn His face from someone and not from someone else.. we are all guilty of sin...