Friday, July 11, 2014

so I am back in Job.. (LOL.. feels like I have been there for 3-4 years)
as I read this morning I find that job felt much like I do.. he felt he has tried to serve God faithfully and he has no idea why he is being attacked or ignored by God...

if you remember.. God never responded to any of job's pleas through the whole book.. until the end... then what He said is.. who are you that you will question me... 

I think about this... I know that david often felt deserted by God too... 
job went through his trials.. lost his entire family... lost all his money and land... and then God restored it all double at the end.. all this because satan wanted to tempt him.. and God decided that job was strong enough to withstand it... 

now hear me when I say... I do not in any way feel I am righteous as job.. and clearly not as strong as job either.. but I think God is trying to show me that I am no different than many others... that I am not exempt from bouts of silence from Him... and that is doesn't mean that He is necessarily gone or even ignoring me... 
so while I have no understanding of the WHYS.. or even the how long.. I have no understanding of any of it.. yet I know that one day.. it will all be all right... and thankfully.. unlike job.. who was covered in boils and lost all his friends and family and finances.. I am not going through that too.. this silence from God is my testing.. I am thankful I am not going through all that job did.. or david did.. this is just a taste... and just a test... 

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