so often we hear people saying... and actually even Jesus said it... bless those who curse you... but that is a hard thing to do sometimes... we see david was not so good at that.. he prayed fire and death down on his enemies... LOL! I think I tend to be a little more like david than like Jesus in this area...
but I have found.. that while this is my natural inclination.. to want to see them pay for being mean to me or talking about me... I find that when I let go of my anger and upset towards them and instead try to see them as Jesus sees them.. then I get past it.. whatever it might be.. while I am holding on to that anger and hurt.. then I am not getting over it either... we have to be able to forget things..
many people say they will forgive but not forget... well I find if we don't forget about it.. then we really haven't forgiven... my father didn't want me.. for many years I was angry about him.. hated him even... and I tried to forgive him.. but it kept coming back up... until finally I decided to forget about it.. now this doesn't mean I don't know what he did to me.. but at this point in my forgiveness.. there are honestly very few details I could give about it... the same goes with the abuser.. I really don't remember in detail what happened.. I do remember that it happened... but not details or specifics until someone brings it up..
so I believe in order for us to truly forgive.. we also have to be willing to forget.. and finally let go and heal... too many people walk around broken because they cannot overcome their past.. and the past has long since forgotten all about you....
so let us not wait another day.. let us praise God THIS day.. and forget about whatever has been done to us.. and give it truly over to Him...
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