Monday, February 18, 2013

I am reading a devotional that is talking about the biggest reasons for divorce...
the first reason being money... I would consider that a lack of compromise... someone who can't manage money well, like me.. would need to allow the other partner who prayerfully would be better at it.. to manage it.. the other partner needs to recognize that sometimes you have to allow the person who is not the great money manager to get something frivolous sometimes... that is compromise...
the second reason is selfishness... it specifically stated that moodiness is a sin and is in actuality selfishness manifested... now I would never have imagined that.. I don't know anyone who isn't moody sometimes... I do know that someone whose moods are unpredictable is very hard to live with.. it is like walking on eggshells all the time.. waiting for the bomb to go off... that is a terrible quality of life... drug addiciton, excessive drinking, moodiness, uncontrollable temper and unrealistic demands.. these things are all caused by selfishness, not character traits... and they are considered sin... it also stated that all sin comes down to selfishness because we want our own way over God's way.. I found that pretty hard to hear... but I am sure it is truth too...
the third reason is adultery... it states that 50% of men in every marriage have affairs and 25% of women in every marriage do.. it stated that the reasons given by psychologists are being unhappy with the sexual aspect of the marriage, premarital sex, and no affiliation with a church... premarital sex floored me... who do we know that doesn't have premarital sex... as I am not with anyone.. I do not have premarital sex... but.. I have in the past... while I desire to do God's will and wait for marriage.. I am not always so sure I am strong enough to do that... yet if I were to realize that my having sex before marriage could open a door to adultery.. that surely casts a new light on it... adultery is a very painful thing to go through... it affects who you think you are and your self value... because why would your spouse want someone else, except that something is lacking in you... I really do not ever want to deal with adultery ever again in this lifetime...
I think when we see the reasons for divorce on paper.. we can see some of the things that need to change within ourselves so that we do not fall prey to the demon of divorce... the enemy knows that our strength lies in family.... so he is determined to destroy it.. let us not allow him.. let's remain true to our vows to God and our spouses...

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