Thursday, October 1, 2009

what are you receiving?

do we really realize that whatever we allow into our mind... we are receiving...

the mind is the true battlefield of this spiritual warfare we are in...

realize just how much easier it is to receive an image than it is to cast it out... if we see something ugly... we somehow see this over and over in our minds... and we keep on talking to these people... we keep on reading these emails... we keep on with out change... what sense does that make?

why do we not instead seek out good things? things of love and of life? our friends should be people who speak life... not death... our house should be a place of refuge from the ugliness of this world... not a place of anger and strife...

this world can be a different place... each one of us needs to sow seeds... seeds of love... seeds of peace... seeds of forgiveness... seeds of kindness... seeds of compassion...

let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me...

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