Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jonah 4

I am thinking that Jonah was embarrassed. He would go and tell the Ninevites that God was going to kill/judge them. Then God turns around and spares them, which made him FEEL like everyone thought he was making it all up. And maybe they did. What difference does that really make? Why are we so concerned about what others think of our walk with God?

So Jonah gets angry because he felt the Ninevites were supposed to die because they were gentiles. They were not the favored of God. They were not Israelites. And they were not worthy of God's love. In Jonah's eyes. Who have you looked at lately and felt they were less than you or worthy of less than you. Yet God shows compassion and love on them and you are angry. God states there are more than 120,000 Ninevites and they cannot tell their left hand from the right, meaning they have no knowledge of God. How could He condemn them so quickly without giving them opportunity to turn from sin? Truth told, because they had no real knowledge of God and they were not true to God, in 612 b.c, the city of Ninevah really was completely destroyed, but God had saved THESE people.

Isn't it also amazing that just days before, Jonah was the one seeking God's compassion on him while he is in the belly of the fish, but does not give compassion to the multitude. And we aren't talking about someone who had personally wronged this man, we are talking about 120,000 strangers... What is it about us that does not care if people are saved. Why do we not care if people know the love of God? I hate to inform us all... but that is why we were created. To bring glory to God. To worship God. Our entire lives should be devoted to advancing the kingdom of God. Instead we are constantly looking to advance ourselves. Father change me so that You are all that really matters to me.

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