Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jonah 2

in the belly of the fish... at the bottom of the ocean.. we don't even have the ability to imagine the feeling of this... as he was sinking to the depths of the ocean and unable to breathe, surely he is realizing that he was oh so stupid to not agree to just go to Ninevah... thinking anything would be better than what he is going through right now... then a big fish comes and swallows him up... and can you imagine the smell inside a fish... uuuugggghhhh.... no understanding of that one!!

and as he is in this fish, thinking he is on the verge of sure death... then God pulled him up and saved him... he is in the fish, praising God for saving him... thankful to be alive, even inside a big fish.. as his life is slipping away.. he remembers God... when will we begin to remember God daily... no matter what is going on around us, good or bad... when will we really come to the realization that no matter what it looks like, our entire reason for being created is to bring glory to God... and whatever it is that is supposed to do that... then that is what we are to do... we are all too concerned about bringing glory to ourselves... the spotlight on us... the pity, the honor, the adoration... we want all eyes on us... when they are supposed to be on God...

Father never let me need to go in the belly of a fish to realize who You are.... and after Jonah gives God all the praise and honor and glory... then the fish vomits him up onto shore...
funny thing about that... first it is sickening to imagine being thrown up... but... notice he didn't even have to swim to shore... God provided the housing while needed, then the transportation to get up on shore... our God is an awesome God...

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