Thursday, April 7, 2016

1 John 3: 16 We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.

I have been thinking about this for 2 days now.. 
in this day.. people are so self motivated... we are constantly protecting ourselves.. we don't feel the need to be anyone's help.. we don't feel we 'owe' anyone anything.. I saw someone who is a minister and considered a life coach yesterday state that not everyone that has a need is your assignment... I am wondering what biblical principle or scripture such a thought would be grounded in.. 

the bible I read says that Jesus was a servant to all.. that is what he wanted the disciples to be.. what he wants us to be.. the only time he said it was okay to walk away from someone is when they were not receptive to the word of God.. 
when are we going to be willing to die to self and walk our lives out completely for God? when are we going to stop worrying about what we feel and want and think and instead walk for the furthering of God's kingdom rather than our own?

now don't imagine I think this is easy.. I am very much in a battle with self and my own desires.. but because of my love for Christ I try to continue to do what I believe is his will over my own.. 
this is a daily battle.. a daily commitment to God.. not self.. 
I am concerned about those who are always trying to do what is easy and comfortable.. that does not sound like Jesus to me.. 

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