Ephesians 5: 33 So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
I look at this and wonder why the husband is to love the wife and the wife to respect the husband... why wouldn't we both love one another?
yesterday I was talking to someone and I realized I respect them.. I think highly of them.. I think women too often don't respect men.. we love them.. but not respect them.. then we tend to mother them and baby them and don't allow them to be the leader they are called to be in the home..
we love a man but don't think highly of him.. don't honor him or treat him with respect.. I know in the past I have been so guilty of this..
because I was in an abusive relationship I tended to fear men without even realizing I was doing this.. that made me appear argumentative and aggressive... when you respect someone you are able to trust their judgement over what you think is right.. you can allow them to make a decision because you know their heart is right.. even when they make mistakes..
we need to learn what respect is and learn how to respect others.. this is surely a downfall in our world today... definitely has been a downfall in my own relationships..