Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I have been reading Jeremiah the last few weeks.. and God used Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar to bring down the jewish people who were not living for Him... He called babylon His servant... as if they were created for His good.. which is what we think about ourselves too... and when we read about Daniel.. Nebuchadnezzar was very good to Daniel.. even talked about Daniel's God... 

well today I get to Jeremiah 51 and God is talking about destroying Babylon now... I am hoping that when God took out His judgement on Babylon that the kings that did God's will, whether intentionally or non intentionally, were long since gone.. I hope it was taken out on kings that acted as if God wasn't real... 

when we read about Moses.. that is one of the things that bothers me about the pharoah... God uses him.. turns his heart to do what God wants him to do in order to save the people of God.. and he dies never having known God.. destroyed by God.. 

but we screw up all the time.. much like the people of Israel did.. we love God but chase after our own will even when we act like we aren't.. we are too afraid to really go forward in God's will because we want to feel safe and secure... so how different are we from the people God destroyed? but God saved the Israelites.. at least a remnant.. I pray I am part of God's saved remnant despite my wrong thoughts.. wrong desires.. battle to do God's will.. I pray still He will keep me as a part of the remant of God... 

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