Monday, June 30, 2014

Psalms 34: 17  The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. 18  The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. 19  The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.

sometimes I think that what I read in scripture is not necessarily what was meant... 
what I mean by that is... the bible sometimes makes it sound like because/if we love God and serve Him above ourselves or man then life will be easy and sweet.. 
now not all scripture says that.. but some does... 

I do think God rescues us from our troubles.. but not necessarily in a way that we think is a rescue.. LOL!! 
in my own world He has surely rescued me from failure of finances.. but it wasn't by some mighty windfall of money to bail me out.. it was by me diligently tithing and paying what needs to be paid and leaving many items still in the store!! 
He has been close to me when I was broken hearted.. but my heart wasn't miraculously healed in one day.. it was a process that took a lot of time.. and better decisions.. and even then sometimes I have been hurt... 

but all these things have taught me to trust Him.. to not lean on my own thoughts or ideas.. to allow God to lead me and guide me on what He has chosen for me... 
and I admit this is not easy.. not even one day... because I am a control freak... and I am unsure of the path or the outcome.. this is a daily battle... often I am not sure I am doing the right thing or going the right way... daily I plead with God to give me understanding and assurance... 
but in all this unsurity... that is where I have learned I can trust God's plan above my own... and I believe this is the essence of true faith.. when we are unsure.. but still trusting in God above our own common sense... 

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