Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Jesus wept...

this is the shortest verse in the bible.. anyone can remember it.. anytime someone wants you to quote scripture this is the first verse that comes to mind... but today... I was reading the scripture John 10-11.. and it talks about how people would see things and believe because of the miracles.. then shortly after they would be doubtful again...

so Jesus goes to see Lazarus after he is dead... and Martha is crying and that is when Jesus cried...

I don't think Jesus cried because he was sad about Lazarus.. he knew he was going to raise him back up... I think he was crying because of the unbelief of even those closest to him...

and look at us... how often do we grieve the Lord by our unbelief? we believe for a minute... right after something happens or we get a word.. then the world starts to close in and things don't look like we think they should.. and we doubt again...

I think we often cause the Lord to cry about our unbelief...

Father... I don't want to make you angry or to make you sad about my unbelief... strengthen my faith Lord so that I can be strong and trust you at ALL TIMES... in Jesus name... amen.amen.amen.

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