Thursday, November 19, 2009


we all desire to be loved unconditionally... we want someone who will love us despite the issues we have or the things that we say that we shouldn't... yet how often are we really willing to give this to someone else?

God loves us even while we are still in our filth and sin... if God loved us the way that we love others, what a terrible situation we would be in... we like to think that we have come such a long way and are so wonderful... and maybe we have come a long way... I know that I have... yet I am not yet what God is calling me to be... that is a daily struggle... daily I have to die to the desires of self in order to be the woman of God that He desires me to be... God wants us to love people despite what they do or say... that is not an easy task... yet that is what God is requiring of us...

Father... I desire to love the people of this world... not only the people of God... but all people with the same love that You have shown to me... I am not worthy of the love You give me.. and I want to love others when they are right as well as when they are wrong... open my spirit eyes... the eyes of Love and show me my faults daily that I can be more like You... I ask this in Jesus precious name... amen.amen.amen. I love You more than I show...

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