Psalms 138: 7-8 When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand strike my foes, With your other hand save me. Finish what you started in me, God. Your love is eternal—don't quit on me now.
some days the will of God just takes too long... some days the will of God is just too big, too scary, too loud, too dark...
we hear from the pulpit and read in the bible that God is sovereign... what does that really mean? it really means that God does whatever He wants to and we can't do anything about it... we may never understand it.. we may never like it... some times we get caught up in law... like the pharisees did.. we think that things should be a certain way... and we think that we are right and everyone else is wrong... that isn't necessarily the truth...
biblically there are only 10 laws... the big 10... everything else is pretty much just interpretation... we can decide that if you are saved then you shouldn't drink... that is not in the big 10... you will read in the proverbs that it is not WISE to be a drunkard... we decide that sex before marriage is sin.. that is not in the big 10... in the bible it is said why you shouldn't have sex before marriage, but it is not sin... that is moral law, not biblical law... do I condone sex before marriage? no... but I am learning that God might say something to me and someone else may not be mature enough in their walk with God to necessarily live that same way...
so we decide what someone should be if they say they are saved and who do we think that we are to judge someone else? I realize that if you are saved and walking in Christ, then you should begin to show the fruit of the spirit... but maybe they just are not at fruity as you are...
in the book of Job... his friends had decided that he was sinning someway somehow because of the things he was going through and in the end... God came down and was mad with them for judging his walk... many of the things we think of others may not be the truth... things are not always as they seem... Job ended up being the one to pray for them and God heard his prayer and forgave them...
Father, give me your eyes... the eyes of love... help me to see others as you see them... just a work still in progress... help me to realize that I am also still a work in progress and others may be looking at me with the same measuring stick I am using on someone else... change me O Lord... continue to work out my salvation... continue the work in me that you have started... I ask this in the precious name of Jesus... amen...
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