Thursday, January 21, 2016

today I am reading a devotional and the translation they used for Hebrews 5: 14 says 'They were not ready for a solid diet of self sacrifice'. 

I have to say.... some days.. many days I feel I am in that place!!! 
I DO NOT want to live a life of self sacrifice.. somehow I want to be in God's will for my life.. but I want it to be attractive and fun and desireable.. not this struggle to keep walking in the way I believe God wants me to... 
I mean why is it that some people can get away with doing certain things and it is as if God is all right with it because He hasn't called them away from it... it is frustrating.. I don't want to keep going on this believing trail.. I don't want to go without things I desire because they aren't what is right for me.. so when will what is right for me ever show up?? surely I am not getting any younger... 

Father give me the willingness to live the life you have called me to.. to sacrifice the things of the world to live in peace with the Spirit.. 

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