Friday, November 28, 2014

you know a have a son... who I love dearly.. he has a great heart.. he is silly.. he is fun... 

and he is always in trouble... somehow he just refuses to do what he knows is the right thing.. he is always on the wrong path... 

that does not in any way cause me to love him any less.. or stop me from praying for his change daily... I do pray daily that he will realize that life is fragile and bad choices could cause him to lose his... but I have to trust God with him.. he belongs to God.. not me.. 

if my son were in the wrong place.. at the wrong time.. doing the wrong thing... and he was killed... it would break my heart.. but I would know this was a choice he made... to do the wrong thing... and I could not blame it on the person that caused it... because if he were doing something else.. it probably wouldn't have happened... 

too often we look at someone and decide a tragedy should not have happened... and we look for someone to blame... but all things were allowed by God.. 
my son was raised the same way as my daughter.. he chose a different path.. we have to see our children as they really are.. not as we wanted them to be.. and love them in spite of it... and accept what happens as God's will... because they don't belong to us anyways.. we have no ownership... our job is to love them and teach them of God.. that is all we get... and we should be thankful for that.. 

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