Friday, April 11, 2014

Proverbs 14: 12 There is a path before each person that seems right,  but it ends in death.

throughout our lives we have had people say that we will be surprised by who makes it to heaven and there will not be some people there that we were sure would be... 

what is it that makes us think that we are or are not on the right path? my thoughts are that we can only do what we feel God is leading us to do... many times God leads us yet we do not obey or follow.. yet we think that our 'clean' living will save us... will it?

recently I have looked at a person and felt they are far too flippant about sin.. yet this morning when I ask God about this.. how is this all right with God.. He says to me.. that I am far too flippant about calvary... and I know this is the truth... 

the bible says that David had the heart of God.. yet he murdered someone.. he was an adulterer... but he had the heart of God... 
it becomes clearer and clearer that our being right with God has far less to do with our actions than we realized... and far more to do with the condition of our heart.. and while we easily say that our heart is right... is it really? I find that my own heart is not as right as I would like it to be.. but I am unsure how you fix the condition of the heart... 
all I can do is fill myself with the word of God and pray that God will align my heart to be in sync with His...

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