Tuesday, August 23, 2011

yesterday as I went to the tag office, I was approached by a young woman and given a family tract which just had scripture in it speaking of the importance of family.. so I ask her what church she attends.. she tells me kingdom hall.. which is jehovah witnesses... I tell her I go to tabernacle on laney walker.. she said she has heard of the church.. so she floors me and asks me what do we believe as baptists.... now we all know that I KNOW my bible.. yet every thought flew out my head... I say we believe in the bible.. the 66 books.. the written word of God... if it is in there.. we believe it... then the spirit talks and tells me I can do better than that.. so I say we believe Jesus is the Son of God.. born and lived.. died on the cross.. rose again 3 days later and is in heaven until he comes back for us at the 2nd coming... she said ok.. what do you believe will happen on the earth after the second coming?...

now... after thinking about it... I am thinking she meant after the second coming.. during the tribulation what will happen... but at the time I was thinking about after the enemy is destroyed... I tell her that what happens after the second coming is interpreted different ways by different people... there are people who believe the new jeruselum is going to be on the earth... I don't know what is going to happen.. just that I am going to be with Jesus no matter what it is.... then they call my number.. and I walk to the counter... after I am done at the counter I go back to her.. I hug her and I tell her God bless you... and I say you are welcome at my church any time you want to come... and she is a little surprised I think and tells me thank you and she was glad to run into me...

I think afterwards of all I would have done differently but I am reminded that God's love will cover a multitude of wrong.. so I think that by showing her love in the end that I did okay...

the point of telling this is... do we really know.. I mean really know... how to respond to situations like that... others.. like the jehovah's witnesses are taught exactly what they would answer to questions and we are not... I think it is very important for us to consider what we would tell someone... it is possible that she is lost and I could have led her the right way if I had handled it right... at this point all I can think is that God will cover it and lead her to someone who can answer her more correctly than I did... but I know for me personally.. I am going to have to study some of these questions and study their beliefs to know how to answer someone in this situation in the future... it was presented to me to save her and I allowed her to continue to be lost by my lack of knowing how to answer... I don't want to leave anyone lost ever again...

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