I think a large percentage of the issues we have in life come down to one problem.. we are not taught the laws of headship and authority...
as a child we are taught to respect our elders.. we are forced to obey our parents.. and all we think about is when we are 18 we will no longer have to be subjected to listening to anyone... well that is the largest lie that anyone ever told someone.. or allowed them to believe... in my next life.. I will not allow my children to imagine they will be their own boss when they hit adulthood...
we are ALL subjected to authority... even if you are the head of everything... you still fall under the authority of God.. you don't have to accept it.. but it is still truth... we have bosses at work.. bosses at home... bosses at church.. yet somehow.. we walk around with the mistaken imagination that our opinion and thoughts need to be heard.. this is a lie.. people do NOT have to listen to you... they may CHOOSE to listen to your ideas or your thoughts.. but if they are in leadership.. they are not required to hear what you think... that is really hard for us to swallow.. and I think the reason it is so hard to accept is because of the flawed way we are taught to be our own boss as adults... when in reality.. . regardless of your position... you are never the last authority.. you may be the last one that many of us hear from.. but everyone has to answer to someone...
we all need to come to a place where we can accept where we are.. if we are leaders.. we need to lead who we are chosen to lead.. yet we need to keep in mind that we have a leader over us.. we need to stop thinking we are king of the hill.. we need to learn to submit to the authority God has placed over us.. regardless of the choking feeling it brings... and we need to teach this truth to our children...
Romans 13: 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
Revelation 22: 3 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him.
as a woman.. I have learned a great truth about God's idea of headship... when God places a head over you... He then speaks through the head... the reason He does this is not to make you less.. but to stop confusion.. women are very influential to a man... if God speaks to a man and the woman is in disagreement.. she will use her influence to sway him... so God solves that... He stops telling her things that have to do with anything other than her PERSONAL relationship with Him... God still speaks to you about what He wants from you personally.. but where you have a head.. He stops giving you insight... so that the man can be free to lead in the direction God would have you go as a unit... this has been hard to accept.. but finally there is some kind of understanding.. and for that I say.. PRAISE THE LORD!!
to be in submission to the will of God:
in the family... let the head lead...
in the workplace... let the boss lead...
in the church... let the pastor lead...
they don't answer to you.. .they don't need your ideas and opinions unless they ask for them... learn to be silent and take your issues before God Himself who will surely stand up on your behalf... if they are wrong.. it is God they will answer to... not you... do your part.. submit to your authorities.. God does not see us all as heads... regardless of position.. we are ALL servants to the Most High God..
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