what is our life really worth? biblically.. your only value is the glory you bring to God through the life that you lead... as we believe the bible is truth.. I would say that many of us fall short of any value or worth whatsoever...
somehow we are taught how 'worthy' we are... that we are equal to everyone else.. that no one can do better than us if we put our full self into something... yet I find this to be false... all along I believed I was a princess.. a queen.. and many of us have this faulty view.. this is what we are taught by the world.. yet biblically... we are servants.. we are slaves... we are bondsmen...
pride is one of the biggest sins we act out in daily without even realizing it.. we just know how worthy we are of receiving God's blessings... we are righteous.. doesn't He owe us? shouldn't we have the best of everything?
I believe the closer we come to Christ... the more we die to self.. the more valuable we become.. the difference is.. then we cannot see it... all we can see is how much was given to purchase our salvation... so instead of being puffed up.. we are humbled..
we cannot even accept the reality of Christ dying for us... we don't know what it is like to be slaves... we know only of blessing... do you realize... that many people in history were made slaves because of debt they owed... if this were still the case... I would surely be up under the jail... for past debt that was never paid... yet Christ died so that we might go free... but it wasn't about physically being free.. even in the exodus from egypt.. God didn't free them because they were slaves and they were persecuted... He freed them so that they would be able to worship Him... complete freedom from the egyptians only came because Pharoah acted as though God was not powerful enough to free them.. so He then showed Pharoah His true power and might...
are you free? have you accepted Christ? have you realized that only in being a servant of the Most High God do we have life at all.. otherwise we are dead in our sin... I pray for the salvation of each person that reads this... praying they will ask God to forgive them of sin and cleanse them from all unrighteousness... and they will be transformed by the renewing of their minds... in the name of Christ Jesus my Lord and Saviour I ask.. amen.amen.amen.
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