faith-firm belief in something for which there is no proof.
trust-assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.
hmmm... those definitions come from the webster dictionary... I find that I would say... BEFORE I looked up the definitions... that I have faith in God but I have issues with trust so tend to not trust... even God... but after I look up the definitions... trust is relying on the character of someone... and I know that I can rely on the character of God... I know that God has pulled me out of mess after mess after mess... and He hasn't put me in any so far... so how would trusting Him be an issue...
it's weird... if I were to lose my job... or lose my house.. or my car... I would easily TRUST God and know that He will work it all out for me... but you know where I have issues?? with people.. I don't seem to trust God over people...
you would think that it would be easier to trust than to have faith... trust would be believing in something already proven to be reliable... faith is complete darkness you are believing in something with NO proof... so why would it be easier to have faith in a God that you can't see than it is to trust One who has proven Himself?? that really doesn't make any sense...
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